Sunday, February 2, 2014

Still Raw / Live -- Doing Fine

This time around I am really loving my raw ourney.  I have gone on a mostly raw food diet before, always with  at least one to two cooked meals per week, though. 

This time around, I decided I needed to do some serious detoxing and not interrupt the process every few days.  Wekesa, my husband, has continued with the two cooked meals (every Wednesday and Sunday), and he appears to do just fine.  I notice that he doesn't live for the next cooked meals, either.  Me, my cooked meals became my cooked days.  My rationale:  "Since I am having a cooked lunch or dinner, I may as well have a cup of coffee this morning; oh, and some cake or pie too."  This way, I never got out of the cooked food enough to not miss it.  Going almost 100% raw (I eat roasted seaweed), I am really getting into the lifestyle.  The meals that I remember and crave now are raw/live.

This past weekend put me to the test.  On Friday night, I attended a birthday party and was okay that there was nothing for me to eat.  I pulled out my two emergency-food oranges when needed.  I also took my own spelligrino water, and it was refreshing and special.

On yesterday, at a pizza joint, I had the owner build me a very nice salad, and she brought me lime and a garlic-infused olive oil that was right on time.  Delicious.

I am now into my second month of my raw food journey.  Feeling stronger.  I am getting past my first level of detox and on my way.

Loving my journey...