Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Back to Raw: Look not where you fell but where you slipped (African Proverb)

Some of you were with me back in February just before Black Love Day when I was rockin' it -- pretty much 100% raw.  I was comfortable to go on with it -- was feeling good; looking good  -- no pain in knees, hip, legs; no stiffness in neck.

Well, I slipped, and today I write about my slipping and type out some of what I believe I need to continue my raw journey most successfully.

On the night of the Black Love Day Celebration, I didn't have anything to eat.  I had planned so well for everyone else, and I came up short.  I remember coming home and doing the best I could with what I had.  The next day, I was up saying I need some pampering, someone else to cook for me; Also, my kitchen was not ready for me to prepare anything -- needing cleaning badly.  And, I didn't have much food in the kitchen.  I was into my month of 28-Days of Black.  It was going to take too long to clean the kitchen; drive to the west side of town and shop at my black grocer and then come back and prepare something that I really like; plus I wanted to rest and relax and be cared for.


1.)  Make sure I have food for special occasions and not just something to get me by.  Make sure that I have celebratory food so I can be fed not only physically; also in other ways needed.

2.) Keep enough food in the house, and keep some food that I can go to quickly.  My friend Aggie told me yesterday that she keeps some cashew cheese on hand that she can throw into some nori (seaweed).  I'm having some now, and while it only takes a few minutes to make, it'll be good to just grab some when needed.

3.)  Make my eating and raw food lifestyle a priority.  The logic of going off diet when it is so challenging because there are so many other time-sensitive priorities doesn't hold up.  When I go down the road of cooked food, I eventually get to the worse ones:  coffee, sugar, etc., and then all my pains come back.  My production lags.  I can't make the case, especially when it comes to long term, and I must consider the long term since I want a life of longevity, abundance, vibrancy, etc.

So glad to be back.