Saturday, May 24, 2014

Grow where you Are: My Front yard Edible Landscape


I grew up eating mostly food that my parents grew.  So, when someone says they "can't grow food," I don't quite understand that.  For me, you just do a little everyday work along with God, nature, the universe and you get blueberries.  I love blueberries and love picking them from my front yard.

Very happy that I listened to my "little voice within" which said back to me one day --as I was lamenting that there were too many trees in my backyard and that I didn't have the money to cut them all down to make a garden there -- "USE WHAT YOU HAVE."  The space I had at the time was a front yard which got a little more sun than the back
yard.  I've been at it now for some years, and I am so proud to harvest so many great herbs regularly:  sage, cilantro, oregano, rosemary, spearmint, stevia.

My blueberries continue to increase.  This year, I am trying cantaloupe for the first time.  I also have tomatoes and cucumbers.

Speaking of where you are, I believe that my back deck gets pretty good sun too, so I am growing some things in containers. Yes, grow where you are and trust that your good intention and a little bit of work will go a long way.  Ase.'