Thursday, January 30, 2014

Broccoli Delight

Today was the first time I decided I didn't want to eat "cold" food.  I am a room temperature kind of person when it comes to eating and drinking -- not hot or cold; just right.  After I first started this raw food journey, I realized that I had chosen the coldest time of the year.  "I'm gonna freeze my __ hind off, "I said.  Actually, I've been fine.  It has been colder too.  I am still in the snow blizzard of 2014.  Snow has still not melted on the ground.  I've been fine.  So glad I did not delay.  And, no I have not missed hot soup.  I can always make mine a little bit warm and be fine.  Usually, I take my food out of the refrigerator in the early part of the morning, and by lunchtime, it is just like I want it -- at room temperature.  Not today.  So, the broccoli was really cold.  What I did to warm it was put a little water into the bottom of a pan and put the heat almost down to the pilot light  and just let it sit there for maybe about 5 minutes.  It was then at room temperature.  I was really clear that I was not attempting to cook the broccoli.  I am eating raw / live food right not -- food not heated past 115 degrees.

Okay, so how did I make my Broccoli Delight.  I was thinking Asian flavors.  Oh, the olives?  I put them into almost everything.

I chopped up onion, garlic and ginger, broccoli, olives, and finely chopped carrots in the food processor.  When I put it into the pan to warm it a little, I threw in some braggs liquid aminos (soy sauce will work too).  I also put in a little toasted sesame oil (remember, I was thinking Asian).  Oh, incidentally toasted sesame is not considered raw.  I mixed it all up a little and put everything into the bowl.  Then, I chopped up some papaya and avocado for good measure.  I am loving it right now. 

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