Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The best Salad of 2014

The best salad so far this year has just been created and enjoyed immensely.  If the rest of my raw journey goes like today, this year, I will be more than fine.

Afiya's Garden Salad

In a bowl, place your salad mix (lettuces).  I get the organic spring mix from Sam's or Costco (for the best price) when I don't have enough in my garden to pick.  Yes, plant your own organic mix and just snip as desired.  

I added onion, garlic, olives, fresh tomatoe, sun-dried tomatoes.  Now, my special trick is to squirt a little olive oil (use the squirters for ketchup and mustard) and dash a little sea salt and toss.  This makes the salad already good before the dressing (sauce).  Oh, dice some avocado.  Yum.

Now, take your blender (heavy duty if possible) and add some tahini (sesame seed butter), braggs aminos or soy salt, water, and some fresh herbs.  For this, I did run to the garden and grab a handful of oregano (I have tons of this.  Stop by and take) and thyme.  Throw in and blend up.  Get the salt content right by adding more water if needed, or add more braggs or a dash of sea salt.

Now, toss with this salad sauce (as I call it).  The result -- see above.  LICKING THE BOWL.  

Happy New Year!

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