Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Medicine as Food Today: Fenugreek, Slippery Elm, Cayenne Pepper


My nasal discomfort from detoxing continues, and actually it is not too bad.  No headaches.  Actually, I have never had a headache.  I know.  I'm grateful.  Anyway, I'm going with the theory of "traffic jam."  It says that when we are cleansing the body, the organs get a little overwhelmed, and the body seek other channels to expel waste -- the mucous membranes.  I'm going with that one.  So, to aid the body?  I boiled Fenugreek and am drinking that slowly.  My goal is for the fenugreek to do it's work of pulling mucous from my body.

I placed slippery elm bark into my morning smoothie which consisted of apple, spinach and water. Slippery elm also breaks up mucous.

I put a big pot of water onto the stove and dashed in some cayenne pepper.  Cayenne pepper will run everything out in a house -- including bad spirits.  Just kidding; LOL.  I can't say that.  It will run some mucous, though.  As the children were growing up, I used to boil cayenne on the stove every morning, and that kept their mucous levels down to almost nil.  My Dad used to use this method to open up his sinus cavity.  Don't forget it and let it boil down only to the pepper.  That burn will make everything worse.  Get kleenex (tissues) to offer your guests.

So, hopefully this will speed up my cleansing or at least help me feel a little better.

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