Monday, January 20, 2014

Detoxing Continues -- The Peeling of the Onion

My detoxing this time around has really not been so bad, especially from the beginning.  I was thinking that I'd get out pretty lucky this time.  These first symptoms I did not have
  • Skin breakouts
  • Bloating, stomach pains
  • Headaches
  • Food cravings
  • Trouble sleeping, nightmares
Starting late Saturday night, I started these:
  • Fatigue, drowsiness, low energy levels
  • Irritability
  • Congestion or Mucus that feels like a cold
"Oh, no, I don't have time to slow down.  I have EVERYTHING to do.  Not, now, please.  I started this lifestyle of eating so I could go full-swing all the time."  My body clearly said, "NO."

Okay, what's a smart girl to do?  I decided to tune in and listen to my body.  This is what I heard and subsequently did.

1.)  The first message:  "It aint ova." I would not be getting out so easily, and this would not be the last time that my body would go into this DETOX mode.  "It's like peeling away an onion layer, and then another and then another.  My body sees an opportunity to do some good cleansing, and it is taking it.  Some schools of thought say, "Slow down the detox process by eating some cooked food or whatever you have cut out of your diet."  I decided against this, as I don't want to give my body mixed signals.

2.)  "Don't feed me right now."  One reason that I knew I was into some kind of phase/zone is that I was not hungry at all.  Nothing appealed to me:  raw or cooked.  Didn't even miss Wekesa's popcorn anymore.  Didn't want papaya (one of my favorite foods).  I forced a fruit smoothie and later on that night my body seemed to want four oranges and some water.  Today, I have been drinking water and young coconut water.  The coconut water is soothing to my tummy.  I will wait for my body to tell me to eat again.

3.)  "Rest.  Yes, stop the presses and rest."  "Yes, I know tax season is on; I know your Algebra students need you.  Yes, so much else is expected from you, and you will rest for awhile."  This is hardest for me.  I am never sick.  Folks who know me best don't know me taking days off sick.  I remember reading that our ancestors' wisdom taught:  "give energy to a fast, and eventually you will get back abundant energy."  This is my prayer, and it helps to know that I will benefit greatly.  I have made myself warm and comfortable and focused on the goodness of what is going on.  Also, as I came back to work today (moving ever so slowly), I kept reminding myself that one of the most important things in life I can focus on is my health and well-being.  With that reminder, I continue pulling back one more onion layer.

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving your post. Keep sharing and keep on keepin on. I'm not resolved to be completely raw. I'm 95%. I've allowed myself wiggle room for those imperfect days (no food on the house). let's get together soon to develop our potluck encouragement group.
