Friday, January 3, 2014

Faster than a cup of Coffee -- The Elixir of Life

Spinach / Banana Green Smoothie
OK, it was just this quick.  Take spinach out of fridge.  This time I had the kind you pick up at Sam's, Costco, even Walmart.  Get the organic kind.  Throw into blender.  Put in frozen bananas (makes it really sweet); water (I use distilled) -- just pour from bottle or however you get water.  (Avoid tap if at all possible).  Blend in your blender (high speed if possible, and actually there are no cores or stems to break up, so any blender will do).  Drink immediately.  This one tastes really good.  Nice and creamy; sweet.  As we give up processed sugar, we taste the sweetness of the spinach too.  

Do you need to acquire a taste for it?  If you haven't gotten hooked on coffee yet, you'll have to acquire a taste for it too, especially if you leave the white girls out (sugar and cream).

Turn up for calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C and magnesium, Vitamin B6, and potassium. 


  1. Replies
    1. This looks awesome Afiya, I will be trying this soon..., I am juicing for the next 60 days so I needed another reciepe to add to the mix

  2. I wonder if you could use ice instead of water and thawed bananas.

  3. You could use ice, however the frozen bananas or fruit period will make it cold and creamy all at the same time when you use a blender. If you use ice, it will not turn out as creamy, for the small ice chunks, unless you have one of those smoothie type blenders.

  4. Sounds delicious Afia, I will have to try it! If you have a juicer try carrots for sweetener with the spinach!! Supper Healthy, cures whatever ails you as Spinach is a Super Food!!
