Friday, January 31, 2014

Prancing, Bending, Moving Freely Without Pain -- There's a Party Tonight

Feeling so happy today and excited, for there is a party tonight, and I like to dance with my whole body -- going down to the floor and coming back up with a smile and not pain.  My knee stopped hurting after the fourth day on my raw / live food diet.  Let me tell everyone that that was reason enough to continue.  It is my commitment to myself to never accept pain as a natural, must live with phenomenon.  I view pain as a messenger and vow to always listen to it as such and then take on the challenge of doing or not doing what is needed to take care of the cause of the pain.

For those with joint pain, this article may prove very helpful.  Perusing it, I excitedly see that I am not eating or drinking the items that are said to lead to joint pain and injury  and that I am eating pretty much all the foods that are said to aid in healing.  Yay me!   Click to read FOODS FOR JOINT HEALTH.


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