Thursday, January 16, 2014

Reaching for Popcorn -- Not

Energy waning fast.  In my recent past, I would head to the kitchen for some hot-air popped popcorn with some drizzling olive oil, nutritional yeast and good herbs and spices -- sea salt of course.  Some of you know of my husband Wekesa's special concoction.  It's the food that folks usually ask for first at our house.  This is one thing I have given up for now.

I miss it.  I am feeling my sadness.  What is my loss:  it tasted so good.  Gave good instant energy.  I could even justify that it was made as healthily as I could imagine.  Yes, it was an old trusted friend that has moved away; changed her/his number. No, actually:  a good friend to whom I have said, "Let's take a break."  She understands that I need to get on down my raw road and maybe hook up with her from time to time down the line. 

I'm good.  Now, will it be a good ripened banana or pear?

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