Monday, January 13, 2014

Gourmet Raw Food - Not!

This time around on raw / live foods, I am very excited about my resolve to not go gourmet.  In times past, I couldn't wait to try the raw pizza and lasagna and fettuccine.  Oh, and raw cheesecake, right?  I love Italian food, so naturally I resonated with these menu items.  This time around, I'm good for more simple selections.  Also, since I have a good sense for making these items, I feel confident to let my nose and eyes for Italian food inspire me from time to time.  I don't stick with these type items for some good reasons.  First, they don't taste exactly like the cooked choice.  Actually, after awhile on raw foods, they taste better to me.  They are definitely apples to oranges, though.  Second, it takes too much time to prepare.  Very often, the prep time for these dishes is quite prohibitive for me.  Third, I don't need such choices to feel satisfied.  For instance, last night I did make Afiya's version of raw tacos.  Instead of making the taco shell from corn, though, I used romaine lettuce leaves.  I made some quick filling from some pecans I had already soaked and dehydrated earlier anyway.  Just threw them in the blender and added garlic, onion, seasalt, cumin, chili powder and cilantro, sun-dried tomatoes and a little olive.  I spread this onto my lettuce leaf, some sprouted alfalfa, some quick salsa I zipped up and sliced some avocado and olives, and I was good to go.  Talk about good.  I was cooing like some of the raw food gurus when they demonstrate their recipes.  I was like, "Wow, I usually say they are just a little bit over the top."  Well, I was happy with my creation. 

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